Channel: 展商 Meet the Makers –大湾区国际创客峰会暨Maker Faire Shenzhen
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Meet The Maker: Juhee Seo @Future Tech Academy


Maker: Juhee Seo usually turns off the alarm clock by hand and go back to sleep too often and this project includes many of her friends’ idea. She also has had a sad experience when she needed to wake up on time but could not.  So, she decided to start a project to make a new alarm clock.

This Alarm clock is not as easy as other alarm clocks to turn off since the person has to move away for a certain distacne.

This is For DeepSleepers!




On the first day when Juhee Seo heard that she can participate for the Maker Faire Shenzhen, she was excited, but at the same time, she did not know where to start. she always knew that she wanted a new alarm clock that is not easy to turn off. However, she  did not know what kind of alarm clock to make since there a lot of alarm clocks.
She started with searching through various designs, but soon, she knew that design is not the main point of her project. she  started to test with help of various applications and her friends about many different alarm clocks. This process helped her to set the goal of this project: distance sensor snooze function alarm clock. Even after that, there were lots of difficult challenges to do: choosing the alarm sound, programming the sensors and etc. However, the thought that she can show her idea and prototype in the Maker Faire Shenzhen motivated her not to give up her unique alarm clock.
Expected design: There are two types that she is considering.
  1. Robot Type (using ultrasound sensor as eyes)
  2. Wood box type

Next step was to decide the design. Measuring each sensor and parts to fit into a robot was not easy, but deciding the ratio of robot was even harder. For example, it was strange to look at if the head was too big, so she went back to the first step, deciding the design. After several trials, she decided to use MDF for designing. She made prototype with styrofoam board, but when she switched to MDF for the actual model it was too thin and hard to put together. It was her mistake of not considering different materials needed different ratio of measurements. After a failure of transforming styrofoam to MDF, she calculated the the ratio that can be applied to MDF and completed the model.


Part Lists

 – MDF
 – Arduino Nano
 – Clock
 – BreadBoard
 – Battery Holder
  – Toggle Switch
  – UltraSonic Sensor
 – Speaker(Piezo Buzzer) X 2



1. Arduino Nano: At first, the project was started with Arduino Uno, but after few trials, she decided to change to Arduino Nano. Nano was easier to work with when it comes to design.

2. Speaker (Piezo Buzzer): she used two of these which she thought would be enough to wake people up.

3. Battery Holder: she decided to operate the alarm clock with batteries to maximize the mobility.

4. MDF: MDF was simpler than plastics and looked better when put together.

5. Ultra Sonic Sensor: Ishe decided to use ultra sonic sensor because the concept of this alarm clock is robot and with this sensor, it can measure the distance, too.




Set Alarm Time
 – Bluetooth
 – Spekaer
  – RTC
 – 7-Segment (4bit )
  – RTC
  – Motion Sensor
 – UltrSonic Sensor
Power Supply
 Adaptor or 1.5 Battery(etc)


Wiebsite: http://flowedu.net/


Meet the Maker: Junseo @Future Tech Academy


Makers:   His name is Junseo and he is from South Korea.

He is participating this Makerfaire because he is interested in making, designing, IT and technology.

His project’s name is ‘Mini Game Machine’ because he enjoys playing game to kill time.



He like games, so he wanted to make his own gaming machine. He chose ping-pong, it is among the classic games that can be made with Arduino. The mini game machine which called a ping-pong game was made using the Arduino Uno board, a dot matrix, and the variable resistor.

When the power is supplied, a ball and plate are created in the dot matrix, and when the variable resistance is turned, the plate moves and the ball is thrown out. The shape of the game machine that can be seen in the game room is small. If you make it this way, it will be smaller and more fun to play, so he chose this shape.


Part Lists

 – Arduino Uno (Nano would have been better)

 – Breadboard

 – Dot Matrix

 – Variable Resistor

 – Battery Holder

 – Switch

 – MDF


Future Feature.



CAD Drawing: MDF

DotMatrix: Display the feeds to play games

Variable Register : To Control bar movement in game

Battery Holder&Switch: Used to operate the game

Arduino Uno : He had choice between nano and uno, but with the size of gaming device, he thought uno would be the proper choice.



About Game

  – Ping-Pong : As known as


About HardWare

  – Display : DotMatrix

  – Control : Using PotentialMeter to control Bar.

  – Buzzer : Sound Effect.



Website: http://flowedu.net/

Meet the Maker: Justin Hur @Future Tech Academy


Maker: His name is Justin Hur, and the name of his project is “Glue Mood”. He want to make artistic mood using simple circuit composition and glue.





He will put glue sticks on an MDF board. He will make a hole at the bottom and place a LED lighting in it. To turn on/off the work, he will add a lever to it.
The reason he came up with this idea: When he saw a pillar lighting at a park he thought that it is similar with a glue stick.

Step 1. Choosing Bars(Glue sticks(bigger one or smaller one) or plastic stick)
-> He chose big Gluestick. Because 1. plastic stick is too transparent 2. smaller one is hard to make a hole at the bottom and put a LED in it.

 Step 2. Placing Glue stick

 -> In order of the length.

     And they will be place in curved form.

Step 3. Organizing a circuit


Parts List


– glue sticks(12)
 – LED lighting(12)
 – MDF board(20*20)(1)
 – wire(1) 
 – lever(1)
– CR2032 or 5V Battery(with R220)


MDF: Board
Glue Stick: Glue MDF board in order of the length and they will be placed in a curved shape
LED Lighting: the colors of each LED lighting would be set like the color of the rainbow(like red-orange-yellow…..)
Battery: To operate LED Lighting




  – LED : compose Simple LED Circuit, make Colorful Mood.
   – Glue : Using glue gun’s solid pilar part as house 

 – Power Supply 
    – Toggle SW : Power on/off Switch
    – Battery : multiple CR2032 or One 5V Supply Battery.




Website: http://flowedu.net/

Meet the Maker: Kim Ray @Future Tech Academy


Maker:  His name is Ray Kim. He is 14 years old and comes from South Korea. He became interested in the Makerfaire because it was new for him. He wanted to use what he has learned before and apply them. He chose Bluetooth module and Neo pixel because these were the most interesting things in his maker experiences. By the way, he thought using only lightening could be boring, so he added beep speaker.


Bluetooth Music Mood


1 Step: Modeling
2 Step: Creating an App Inventor App Inventory
3 Step: After playing smart light cord, weaving music playback
4 Step: Hardware assembly (design)
5 Step: Last exercise

By utilizing a Bluetooth function of a smartphone, express your mood accordingly: change light, change music and etc. The device will apply mood by using neo-pixel for light and piezo effect for music. Bluetooth Music Mood light’s shape is cylinder and it has overstory-understory. Two holes are the path of parts and wire, for easy modification. In upper side, put Neo pixels around on inner wall two times. The framework is white and thin, so it can be seen subtle light. Also, it has enough interior space for inner parts such as speaker, board, wire. This will allow the buttons of device to communicate data through bluetooth module. By pressing the appropriate button, it will set the color and music and display of color and patterns will be decided by BPM.


Part Lists

1. Neo-pixel
2. HC-06 slave
3. Mini breadboard
4. Arduino
5. Jumper line
6. beep speaker
7. 3D printer for printing framework



  – Neo-Pixel : Express various moods according to input
  – Beep Spaker : Express Various mood Sound Tracks

  – Arduino Uno : HardWare Controller
  – HC-06 : Communicate with Mobile App(by App Inventor)



Mobile App(Android)
 – Select mood
 – Communication : Bluetooth with Paring Mobile App
  – Express : 
    – LED(NeoPixel)
    – Playing Sound Track


Website: http://flowedu.net/

【Makerpro专题】以好玩为创作追求的团队是否可以在商业成长上走的更远 –脑震荡


所属区域: 深圳

Makerpro 类型: STEAM

  • 产品介绍


1. 互动型艺术装置






Eyeballz眼球动态交互装置 由十几个大小不—情态各异的眼球组成,好似 草间弥生的世界里走出来的奇异生物。Eyeballz通过相机捕捉人体运动,并使用定 制软件对眼球的运动进行控 制。当行人出现在眼球视野范围之内时,它们会跟随 人的移动而移动,形成“一直在看你”的效 果。


2. 脑震荡自行开发的DIY电子套件


眼球盒子 http://www.naozhendang.com/p/eyeball-kit





  • 团队故事


脑震荡 致力于用好玩的方式介绍科技、艺术、制作 (technology, art & making)相关的知识和工具,通过开发兼具技术性和艺术性的DIY电子机械套件,鼓励更多人释放创造力和动手能力,成为具有独立精神的Maker。



冬至,交互设计硕土,毕业于瑞典Umea Institute of Design。曾任职于Microsoft, Philips, IDEO等公司。主要技能:电子、编程、工业设计、快速原型等。 卡卡,艺术硕土,毕业于美国Stanford University。曾任职于Microsoft, Autodesk 等公司。主要技能:数字制造、快速原型、视觉与体验设计等。


“ We are as gods and might as well get good at it. So far, remotely done power and glory—as via government, big business, formal education, church—has succeeded to the point where gross defects obscure actual gains. In response to this dilemma and to these gains a realm of intimate, personal power is developing—power of the individual to conduct his own education, find his own inspiration, shape his own environment, and share his adventure with whoever is interested. ”

“ 我们就像神—样,并且可能做得很好。到目前为止,通过政府、大企业、正规教 育,和教会远程控制而来的权力和荣耀,虽然获得了效益,但已经发展到—个实 际收益被明显缺陷掩盖的程度。为了应对这—困境,—种近距离的、个人的力星 正在发展,这种个人力星激励人来施行对他自己的教育,寻找激发他自己的灵 感,塑造他自己的环境,并分享自己的经历给任何可能感兴趣的 人。”

这是1969年版的《Whole Earth Catalog》(全球概览)上,创始人Stewart Brand所 描述的创建此目录的目的。《Whole Earth Catalog》诞生于互联网产生之前的 60-70年代,正是美国反主流文化、女权主义、性解放等种种解放思想追求自由的 思潮蓬勃发展的时代。 Stewart Brand所推崇的个人的力星 (power of the individual) —直是我们的理想主义式的追求,也是脑震荡创立时的初衷。

我们相信存在—类具有独立思想和精神的人,他们能独立地寻找灵感源泉,有能 力进行自我教育, 掌握必要的工具改造周围的环境并分享自己的经历,而有了合 适的工具,他们就像神—样,拥有按自己意愿主导生活的权利。在60-70年代这类

人是嬉皮土们和各路实验先锋,在当下也许这类人就是Maker / DIYer。脑震荡的 愿景是继承《Whole Earth Catalog》的衣钵,为这个群体提供精神指导以及用来 自我教育的知识和工具。能如它名字所说的,“震荡”狭隘的认知和偏见,解放创造 力和动手能力。


“好玩”是我们创作时追求的第—目标,我们反对以实用性、商业性作为唯—标准来 衡星Making。 Making有很多种存在和意义,并不是—昧地追求“解决痛点问题“,“创业创新”。我 们只是兴趣导向的“捣鼓”。

脑震荡的生活哲学 Making是我们的生活哲学,是我们认识世界和改造世界的途径。Making不单是— 种技能,更是— 种态度。Maker的技能也许可以培训,但态度却难通过教育获 得。我们信奉“不是每个人都可以成为Maker”。

  • Q&A

Q: 两位合伙⼈人因为什么契机⾛走到⼀一起呢?
A: 两位合伙⼈人是本科的校友,都是从设计领域出发对“making”产⽣生的兴趣,但 却⾛走了截然不同的两条路。

卡卡对于“为什么要创造/造物论”更感兴趣,留学期间在湾区Maker Movement 的熏陶下,成为⼀一个熟悉材料⼯工艺,对数字制造(digital fabrication)情有独钟的 Artist-Maker。相⽐比之下,冬⾄至对于“如何创造和实现“更感兴趣,⼀一直痴迷于各 种⼯工具和技术。本科毕业后对开源硬件和嵌⼊入式编程产⽣生了极⼤大的兴趣,后来⼜又 出国深造继续攻快速原型和⼈人机交互相关的学位,成了⼀一位创意⼯工程师(creative technoligist)。


Q:以好玩为第⼀一⺫⽬目标的脑震荡,这⼏几年是否遇到实⽤用性和商业性的严峻考验?理 念现在有改动吗? A:虽然我们成⽴立了才⼀一年,但是确实遇到了实⽤用性和商业性的考验。⼤大环境⽅方

⾯面,⾃自上⽽而下的”双创“对于Maker运动有⼀一定的积极推动作⽤用,但也有⼀一定的词 汇污染,造成了误解,另⼀一⽅方⾯面更加加深了⼈人们对实⽤用性和商业性的追求。在⾃自 ⾝身⽅方⾯面,说直⽩白⼀一点,就是团队如何⽣生存的问题,从最开始开发DIY套件到现在的 互动装置定制和创作,我们还在不断地摸索,但好玩作为第⼀一⺫⽬目标的理念从未变 过,⽽而且越来越多的⼈人表⽰示理解并赞同。这个理念以后也不会变,它和实⽤用、和 商业并不⼀一定站在对⽴立⾯面,只是我们考量作品和产品时的第⼀一标准。

Q:对那些想把兴趣作为职业的 maker,⾛走向 pro 之路的话有什么建议吗? A:建议谈不上,毕竟我们也在这条路上刚起步。⽽而且⼲⼴广义上的Maker也算不上⼀一 种职业,所以职业建议更谈不上了,还是送祝福吧。⽆无论是想把兴趣作为职业, 还是把兴趣作为兴趣的maker,希望⼤大家都来参加Maker Faire,多多交流,相 互学习,好玩开⼼心最重要 🙂

Meet the Makers: Young Makers & ChangeMakers



MAKER: Young Makers & ChangeMakers

Young Makers & ChangeMakers (YMCM) is an inclusive education platform and community to foster young maker mindsets, STEAM education, and 21st-century skills, and to empower youth to create innovative solutions for their communities and prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.


Since 2014, under its founder Brian Tang, YMCM has organized Hong Kong’s summer MakerCamp that led South China Morning Post to declare “Hong Kong hackerspace movement lets children learn by creating”. In addition to its signature mini Young Makeathons, YMCM has organized cardboard challenges and a Star Wars Hour of Code with Disney and conducts young maker STEAM education teacher training. YMCM is increasingly working with international and local schools on introducing maker education into their core and co-curriculum, as well as with youth development charity and parent groups.


In 2017, with the support of the Hong Kong Education Bureau and Innovation and Technology Bureau, YMCM’s pilot TechnovationHK: #GirlsMakeTech programme engaged nearly 300 girls from over 40 schools across Hong Kong to ideate, prototype and pitch mobile app solutions to address UN Sustainable Development Goals. In all, Hong Kong girls created and submitted 22 app solutions that address local issues in education, environment, equality, health, peace, and poverty. In August, two teams of Hong Kong girls attended the Technovation World Pitch Summit in Silicon Valley: our top Senior Team was a Visiting Team sponsored by Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund, and our top Junior Team was one of the 12 finalists selected from amongst the 11,000 girls forming 1,100 teams from over 100 countries, and in fact won the Grand Prize (Junior Division) at the award ceremony held at Google’s headquarters!

YMCM also recently piloted its AI For Young Makers programme with a Chatbot Workshop as part of Hong Kong Fintech Education Week.



For Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017, YMCM is collaborating with Ogilvy and Mather to bring an updated version of our Lasers and Lanterns workshops that were originally held at Hong Kong’s Dim Sum Labs and was featured by Fab Foundation at FAB13 in Santiago, Chile, and will form part of a Design Trust HK book.

Our Lasers and Lanterns workshops allow young makers to laser-cut their own designed lanterns using recycled cardboard materials, thereby hacking everyday materials with accessible digital fabrication technology in a sustainable way.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YoungMakers.ChangeMakers/


TechnovationHK: #GirlsMakeTech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG8ehJKS3gs&list= ;

Mini Young Makeathon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAwMy0YAGmo&index=55&list=

Meet the Maker: Kim TaeHyun @Future Tech Academy


Maker:  Her name is Kim TaeHyun and her project is “Smart Farm”. By using various sensors, she wants to maintain appropriate environment and blend agriculture and IoT for future use.



Temperature & Humidity Control
Humidity: In order to trigger Smart Farm to water or dry (utilizing propeller), humidity sensor will measure humidity in air and soil. If any one of those two does not meet the appropriate humidity, Smart farm will activate sprinkler or propeller.

Photo Synthetic
Use LED to artificially support photosynthesis of plants

Oxygen Controller
Build a route that connects inside and outside of the Smart Farm and make a cover at one end. Adding a weight on it will allow the cover to open and close automatically when carbon dioxide rate is too high by using a propeller.


Part Lists

Control Part
  – LED(500mm 12mm)
   – Temperature and humidity sensor
  – Soil moisture sensor
  – Arduino Leonardo
  – Power supply: 1.5V Battery * 8

Housing Part
 – Bold Wire & Wrapping vinyl
 – Valve
 – hose
 – Servo Motor: To Control Water Valve
 – Water Tank: Like PET
 – Propeller Motor

 – CO2 measurement sensor
 – Heat Pipe – Bluetooth: To Upload sensor data.



Module Test
1. DHT22 : Temperature, humidity snesor
2. Soil Moisture Sensor : Soil humidity sensor
3. DCMotorDrive : Atmosphere humidity control motor
4. Water Supply Motor : Water supply control motor
5. LED : Lightning for plants

1. Sensing: Array
2. Control Motor :  Activates when the requirements are met to supply water or control atmosphere



  – Atmosphere humidity
  – Soil humidity
  – lighting

  – Display
  – send data to Server
  – Web Design
  – CO2 measurement  



Website: http://flowedu.net/

Meet the Maker: Nick @Future Tech Academy


Maker: His name is Nick and his project is ” Ocean Escape”

They are going to produce hardware by modeling and outputting the world custom items (gun, missile, etc.) of Unity game that he make by 3d modeling.

  Ocean Escape

 Type of Game


 Play Guide
  If you press ‘World Tour’ button, it randomly chooses the map and moves to the map. At the map, you can kill the enemies until your character is alive by a joystick. You get the point according to the number of enemies you killed(1 killed = 100point). This point will help you can buy your own whale’s ornament or new high-quality weapons or buy new your own whales in the store(not now, but I will update soon).

  In A.D. 2100, whales that could not withstand human brutality decided to conquer the Earth.(For more information, please find out more in the story window.)

– Costumes: You can buy costumes which can adorn your character.
– Characters: You can buy characters you want.
– Weapons: You can buy weapons which can deal more damage.





Final Story
In the year 2100, environmental pollution by humans became increasingly severe, and it became impossible for marine creatures except in the aquarium to survive. Eventually, the marine creatures decide to conquer the land to survive and send an alpha team, but they are annihilated by the overwhelming technique and strategy of humans. For 10 years, they have been fighting for their survival. They are losing the war and almost all marine lives are threatened to be extinct. However, there are few who survived and able to keep the spirit of overwhelming human. On the other hand, human neglected the few survived marine creatures and UN peace treaty wanted to make the world without war and deposed all their weapons. It is the marine organism’s chance. They retrieved some of human’s deposed weapons and started to attack for their survival….again….

Global Conquest: oceans are contaminated and ocean organism s came out to conquer the earth.
The story that ocean organisms make weapons and fight.

Storyline AC 2100, pollution by a human is getting more and more, the ocean is no more a place to live in. Finally, sea organisms decided to conquer the shore.

they send an advance team only to be killed by the tremendous power of humankind. 10 years later ocean becomes more devastated and almost all sea species are extinct. a human doesn’t care about a few remained species and abandon all weapons because of UN agreement called “making world weaponless agreement”. a few remainders observe the outside world and find a way to win humankind. but oceans were too much polluted and remainders are also Suffocated. time goes by …. . one day a whale shark escape from the aquarium and find the weapons and bring it to aquarium misunderstanding weapons as food. he figures out that the things he brought were not food but weapons.  as Being tired at living in an aquarium, he planned to conquer the world and escape from the aquarium.


Part Lists

 – Unity
 – Booth(Iron, MDF, and metal frame + etc)
 – 3D Printing



About Game
  This game is made in Unity engine. In the game, there is one whale, that you have to control to a virtual joystick. In the store, you can buy what you want to use point. You can get point in the game.

About Booth
  In booth. It provides the best environment for playing the Ocean Escape.

– Booth Synchronize Game


Website: http://flowedu.net/

Meet the Maker: Suhyeon Hong @Future Tech Academy



 She is Hong Soo-hyun.

 She likes rhythm game “the musician”. So she wanted to make it herself, and want to have more features in the future.








1. Project Design
2. Module Test: Push Button
3. Module Test: RhythmGame  
4. Programming
5. Concept Design
6. Build Up

She likes to play the rhythm game “the musician.” With what she has studied, she wanted to make her own rhythm game to play. She will be making the controller which will be connected to the laptop. Just like many other rhythm rules of the game, when the note is dropped, press the button right on the line to get the score. At this time, according to the degree of timing for each note pressed scores varies: perfect, great, good, bad.
If you miss more than five notes during a game, the game is over. When the game ends or the game is over, the total score is displayed on the screen.
She created a rhythm game with scratch, and she used Arduino to control the hardware.


Part Lists

1. Push Button * 5
2. Arduino Uno
3. laptop
4. JumperCable
5. MDF * 2



  – Push Button Array : press according to the note dropping timing
  – LapTop : process, display, and play sound of the game.
  – MDF : Housing Controller Case.

SoftWare(based on scratch)
  – Note : Drop the Note.
  – Sound : play Sound Track.



   When receive button signal from controller, scoring based on calculate Note Position and Threshold. If miss more than 5 times, game is over. After game completes or game is over, the game will display the total score.

 In order to establish the mood like in an arcade room. functionally, send Button Signal


Website: http://flowedu.net/




It is the best academy in Korea that leads the development of the 4th industrial innovation.

There are various programs for students such as SW coding, Maker, 3D Printing, Carnegie Mellon University, Design Thinking, and STEAM immersion training.

Booth Number: M78, M79


Maker : Kim Taehyeon @Future Tech Academy

In the future I think agriculture is an important part of the future. In the future, agriculture is creating a variety of cutting-edge technologies, rather than traditional agriculture, and is creating my own SmartFarm, and I’m going to be on the Mall at MFSZ 2017. Attention, please!


Andrew @Future Tech Academy

I used Arduino to build a robot that supplies water along the rails. Looking for a more convenient daily life, I designed a project to make a more convenient living, and I joined this work with this MFSZ 2017. Thank you very much.


Hong Suhyeon @Future Tech Academy

I used Arduino and scratch to create a rhythm game. From the future, we will see more progress in terms of HW aspects. Please give me lots of advice and ideas.


Son Hyeongu @Future Tech Academy

I designed a character of MINECRAFT that I liked personally. We used neopixel to create the work of a variety of colored lights. Please appreciate the wonderful Steve and Creeper.


Choi Yunu @Future Tech Academy

I created a robot that greeted the guests who visited the MFSZ 2017. We used the bluetooth between the Arduino and the Android app to connect it in conjunction.

I am worried about communication on the day of the exercise, but I hope it works well.


Kang Minjae @Future Tech Academy

I was usually interested in electricity and lamps, and I thought I’d combine what I learned from coding to create a more interesting and convenient lamp. So when the sound is sensed by the microphone sensors, the robot has come to the Arduino device to create a so-called ‘ applause lamp ’, which sends signals to the bulb.



Park Seongmin& Seonghyeok @Future Tech Academy

We are interested in using Arduino to create a variety of musical instruments. This MFSZ 2017 showcased the piano and Orgol using Arduino. Welcome to lots of tips and ideas!


Moon @Future Tech Academy

I am very interested in making a variety of games using Arduino. This MFSZ 2017 has prepared a retroviral pinball game. Welcome to variable ideas!


Nick @Future Tech Academy

I made an Industry-based game, and I put the booth on the MFSZ 2017. I want to ask you a lot of suggestions, please advise and ask for advice.


Kim Minsik & Lee Hyeonu@Future Tech Academy

Our goal is to make Arduino a variety of musical instruments. As part of the project, we will try to introduce the Arduino guitars on the MFSZ 2017. Welcome to lots of advice!


Lee Mingyu & Park Minsu@Future Tech Academy

We have prepared a radar project for this MFSZ 2017. We are interested in implementing more military equipment as arduino in the future. Thank you!


Lee Junsang @Future Tech Academy

I can’t buy a vacuum cleaner to help my mother, so I made myself a cleaner. I’d like to make a better, more efficient product that makes it more efficient.


Jeong Yeji &Jeong Subin @Future Tech Academy

Would you like to have a fun Pinball game with us? We did our best.

I’d appreciate it if you enjoyed it!


Park Yeongin&Jeong Jiyu @Future Tech Academy

Please join someone who can fly a paper plane farther away!

There is also a prize for the winner!

Choose what you want to fly!


Justin Hur @Future Tech Academy

I like light. I’d like to make a lot of projects to make more beautiful light. I wanted to express a wide variety of light. Please give me lots of advice!


Kim Minjae @Future Tech Academy

I usually have a lot of sweat on my feet, and I’ve always tried to wash myself, and I’ve tried to do this project, and I’m going to do this project. I am going to introduce you to the MFSZ 2017. Advice on motor water protection, etc.


Kim Ray @Future Tech Academy

Lie down before sleeping, so that you can work on cell phones.

You have made a cordless lamp that works with Bluetooth. Production made parts using 3D printers. Welcome to additional advice and comments!


Jin @Future Tech Academy

I’m very interested in making robots. This project identified the environmental factors that affect human beings and created a robot that informs them. We plan to add many more features and versions. Please keep watch!


Kim Minjun & Lee Myeongho @Future Tech Academy

We’ve made such a mood lighting of X-mas concept. I think it’s nice to make ourselves beautiful and decorate our room!


Seo Juhui @Future Tech Academy

I prepared a persistent alarm fairy for the princess and the princes. Welcome to lots of tips and ideas to become a developed project!


URL : http://tedi.kr/Maker-Faire-Shenzhen-2017

Meet the Maker: AVVEU


Avveu provides Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) services to clients that require generated encryption keys for their sensitive data.

Avveu gives its clients unprecedented levels of communication security that is lighy years ahead of conventional security protocols.

They are working with Quantum cryptography (QKD) applications. As a service provider, they will encrypt the communication channel and generate encryption keys on behalf of our clients so they don’t have to. This channel will then be used to communicate with them and their servers on our service. It will eliminate the need for them to upgrade to a quantum network. Essentially, they provide a secure quantum cloud ecosystem.

They are in the process of building a sophisticated Open Source solution to leverage all the available Quantum Computers in the market, specifically to increase the number of Qubits available to us at any given time. It relies on the DAI and the QKD networks. They call it the QC Combine.

Meet the Maker: 日本Geek中文协会


Meet the Maker:Techtreespace

Projects to be showcased: Wizards’ IOT Fashion and Wearable Devices
Maker is like a Wizard job. They are going to show a lot of contents as a magician in this Maker Fair. They want to show the contents of fashion and wearables combined with IOT technology. or example, they will showcase mysterious Wizard goods such as a wizard hat, a cane, and a cape.
They did some projects related to the environment. For example, signboards using solar power generation and development of Educational Kit with Up-cycling Plastic and Paper. Besides, they have been working on projects using Aduino and 3D printers. In addition, they have the ability to make something new through IOT technology.

As the Main Venue of Shenzhen International Maker Week Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018 to Kick off


Year 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up. This year, the National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week Shenzhen and the 4th Shenzhen International Maker Week will open on October 9th. Maker Faire Shenzhen as the main venue will  take place on October 12th to 14th at the Sea World Culture and Arts Center. It is hosted by Shenzhen Municipal Government, organized by Chaihuo Maker Space and MakerNet and co-organized by Shenzhen Polytechnic.

Introduced into Shenzhen by Chaihuo Maker Space in 2012, the 3-day Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018 will focus on more practical contents including addressing social issues, improving technological education, and promoting co-making in the city to pay tribute to city development through innovation. As the largest platform for makers exhibition, interaction and communication in China, 2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen will set up numerous exciting activities including maker forum, interactive installations, maker booths and workshops to share the latest maker projects, products and information with the public.

The forum will discuss the  theme “co-making in the city” this year. Guest speakers include Ian Rowen (International Meta-Regional Representative for the Burning Man Project), Carrie Leung (Director of maker education in Shenzhen American International School-Shekou and Project Director of MakeFashion Edu), Andrew Quitmeyer (Organizer of “Hiking the Hacks”), and Lyla Wu (Maker curator specializing in innovative material). They will share and present their co-making experience in global maker community.

Interactive installation is one of the highlights of the event. Tapigami, using masking tape to create artistic installation, enables the public to enjoy the zero-threshold creating process. Touchy, a wearable human camera device, which “turns” a person into a camera, only takes pictures by touching, which reflects the current phenomenon of insufficient interaction between people. Urban Plants, interactive installation that could interact with visitors, reflects the charm of the city by providing people with a different perspective to observe the city and distinct feeling of spatial change.

Maker Booth, as the main part of Maker Faire, is an important activity connecting makers with the pubic and also a platform for maker teams to showcase their creativity, which enables the public to experience the cutting-edge maker projects. This year, exhibitors from 30 countries will present thousands of creative projects. As for Workshop, it will focus on education, fashion technology, music and virtual reality (VR), allowing the participants to unleash their creativity and enjoy the fun of making with hands-on experience.

According to the organizer, with makers from 30 countries participated, 150 creative booths and 20 workshops, Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018 will cover steam education, emerging technology, craft, wearables, IoT,  and technological tools. It will not only demonstrate to the public the achievement of entrepreneurship and innovation, but also bring more vitality to the whole event thus further promote the image Shenzhen as a city for technological innovation.

About Maker Faire

Maker Faire is the Greatest Show and Tell on Earth—a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement. It was created by Maker Media in 2006, and with 12 years’ development, Maker Faire has been organized in 48 countries worldwide and it has attracted than 15.8 million participants to Maker Faire globally in 2017.

Maker Faire Shenzhen

Maker Faire was introduced to Shenzhen as the first mini Maker Faire in China by Chaihuo Maker Culture Communication Co., Ltd in 2012. Maker Exhibits, Forum, Workshop and Performance are the four sections.

In 2014, Shenzhen Mini Maker Faire was upgraded into a Featured faire, making Shenzhen the 7th city in the world to host a Featured Maker Faire with 120+ makers and 38000 visitors participated. It also became the biggest maker event in China.

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2015 was the main venue of Shenzhen International Maker Week. The 3-day event had 230+ maker booths, and 200,000+ visitors.

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2016 had 200+ maker booths, organized the 1st drone combat, with the debut of ZAO TALKS. Under the influence of typhoon, MFSZ2016 attracted 100,000 visitors.

MFSZ chose a campus as its venue for the first time. With the cooperation between Shenzhen Polytechnic and Chaihuo Makers, we’ve presented a professional maker event, getting praise from Sherry Huss, Vice President of Make Magazine as the event that has best visual design and atmosphere.

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018

Date: October 12-14th, 2018

Venue: Sea World Culture and Arts Center, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Theme: Co-Making in the City

This year we hope to discuss this concept of “Co-Making” in an updated context of the “City,” referring to the physical or thematic spheres in which groups of individuals come together to create with a common goal.

At a time when it feels like our world is becoming strangely polarized, it is important to blur the confines that separate us and focus on the commonalities that encourage collaboration towards shared goals. We believe this spirit has fully manifested in the Maker Movement, and we invite you to share this experience again at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018.

-Data Sheet

  1. The number of booths:150
  2. The number of workshops:20
  3. The number of participate makers:500+
  4. The countries involved: 30+China, Japan,UK, South Korea, USA, Canada, France……



The number of forum speakers9

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore — Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning

Burning Man Project — International Meta-Regional Representative

Director, Geneva Tsinghua Initiative / University of Geneva

National University of Singapore / Digital Naturalism

Associate Professor,Master Supervisor and Dean of the Department of IoT Engineering, Zhejiang Wanli University

Director of Maker Education, Shenzhen American International School

Co-Founder, SteamHead Non-Profit Group

Director, MakeFashion Edu

 CEO & founder of Neuni Group

Media artist, e-textile designer, material researcher

rchitect, maker, barista

Assistant Professor, East West University, Bangladesh

More information about Forum:



2.Spotlight of Projects and Performances





3⃣️MakeFashion edu







About National Mass Innovation Entrepreneurship Week

The government of China has been putting many efforts in the supporting maker movement, innovation and entrepreneurship in China since 2015. Organized by Chinese government, the National Mass Innovation Entrepreneurship Week takes place in 7 cities in China, including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an, Chengdu, Shenyang & Wuhan. This year, the main event is in Chengdu. And on Oct 9th, there is an opening ceremony in each city, and a live-streaming across these 7 cities. On Oct 9th, there will be government officers visiting the venue.

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018 is the main & highlight part of the National Mass Innovation Entrepreneurship Week in Shenzhen.




柴火创客 / 超常识MakerNet





2018 深圳制汇节赞助商

2018 深圳制汇节合作机构








BIG CLAPPER:国庆节快乐!用掌声让世界振作起来! | Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018



在淘宝造物节 C 位出道后,网友们亲切地叫他“啪啪啪沙雕机器人”。


photo via 淘宝造物节

他就是 BIG CLAPPER 拍掌机器人,由日本著名创客团队 Byebyeworld大中华区独家共创伙伴超常识 MakerNet 共同打造的娱乐型机器人。他适用于店铺、公司、派对、运动会、学校、婚礼等 500 种不同场景,还内置了 30 种元气应援口号,通过运动传感器,欢迎你来,欢送你离开,随时随地为你鼓掌。




强势登陆 Maker Faire 2018 深圳制汇节!



——BIG CLAPPER 创作者 高桥征资(Masato Takahashi)



为了把“掌声”从艺术带到大众生活,怀揣着“用掌声拯救世界”的伟大愿望的高桥开始了 BIG CLAPPER 的研发。这期间,他还做了一堵排了满满手掌的墙,配上耳熟能详的“爱的鼓励”节奏,让鼓掌来得更猛烈些吧!

“爱的鼓励墙(Rhythm of Love Wall)”被放在了台湾一家 7-11 里,只要人们往捐款箱投钱,热烈的掌声就会响起。14 天一共吸引了超过 10000 人次体验,为便利店增加了 30% 的人流量,募得 200% 的善款。


最终,与超常识 MakerNet 共同生产的 BIG CLAPPER 套上了红色的外壳,加上“沙雕”的表情,搭配可以远程控制、播放音乐、录音的手机 APP,从日本一路火到了中国。

还推出了周边玩具,拍掌神器 Pachi Pachi Clappy,让你可以单手鼓掌,轻松叫好助兴。

photo via 超常识商店

高桥创立 Byebyeworld 的初衷是为了逃离电子程式创造的“Hello world”,回归真实的世界,让电子产品与人的关系可以跟人与人的关系一样有温度,让科技更加有趣,更加可爱。表面古板的宅男创客,内心竟然藏着柔软的小宇宙!

10 月 12 日~14 日,BIG CLAPPER 即将登陆  Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018 (点击了解活动详情)!请一定要来感受拍掌小可爱的热情掌声,体验 Maker 为你打造的“心灵大保健”!

不过在此之前,请先接受 BIG CLAPPER 的国庆节礼物

Making the World Happier through Clapping 用掌声让世界振作起来是 BIG CLAPPER 的口号,这份国庆节的祝福,你收到了吗?


2018 Maker Faire 回归深圳!

如果你想了解今年 Maker Faire 的完整板块






跟着 9 位城市实验家,

开启 4 小时跨界狂想的烧脑体验!

2018 年 深圳国际创客周

10 月 9 日 – 14 日

2018 年 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节

10 月 12 – 14 日






柴火创客 / 超常识MakerNet







2018 深圳制汇节赞助商

2018 深圳制汇节合作机构

2018 深圳制汇节合作媒体



Meet the Maker: DINO-ROBOT创意机器人实验室


DINO-ROBOT, DINO的创意机器人实验室,创立于 2017年。当DINO购买了第一部3D打印机开始,在工作之余的时间就喜欢创造奇怪的机器人。只需要几块电池、 小型电机、开关、电线、芯片及简单电路,你就可以像DINO一样创造奇怪的机器人及神奇的活动装置。 以下就是DINO-ROBOT的机器人及装置作品。有了3D打印机,我们只需要想象力及创意。

DINO-ROBOT, the creative robot lab of Dino, it’s built in the year 2017. After Dino bought the first 3D printer, he made a lot of robots when he was free.  If you have several batteries, motors, switches, chips, and simple circus, you can create such strange robots and devices like Dino. Here are the robots and funny devices from DINO-ROBOT. After you got the 3d printer, the only thing you need is your imagination.



亮点项目 Project Spotlights丨Maker Faire ShenZhen2018


ioNature : Wheat Field 互动麦田

ioNature : Wheat Field (互动⻨田)是一个由Deqing SunPeiqi Su设计制造的互动艺术装置。当⼈⾛近时,颗颗⻨秆便会摇动,整体上形成阵阵麦浪。 就像人与⾃然间存在隐形的电流,互通互联。整个艺术装置在形式上和寓意上,表现人与自然通过科技互联为一体。


ioNature : Wheat Field is an interactive kinetic installation consisting of 212 sets of dried wheat, designed for World Maker Faire in autumn. When people walk nearby, the wheat responds to people by swaying back and forth, forming wave patterns, just like when the wind blows across a field. 

Creatures Band 受造物乐队

世间万物是造物者的作品。无论是废弃的乐器,还是破碎的零件,都隐藏着属于自己的生命力——受造物乐队(Creatures Band)由此诞生。


Everything in the world is the work of creator. Whether it is an abandoned instrument or a broken part, it hides its own vitality and this is how Creatures Band was born.

After more than 150 days, hundreds of instruments and thousands of parts collected, which seem to be “abandoned”, have been transformed by creator carefully and became musicians, giving out  again their vitality. Currently, the band consists of three guitarists, a drummer, a steel sheet player and a pianist, as well as a human singer.

表演时间show time:




UBBAN PLANTS城市入是由E-LAB设计研究与Mountain Black黑山新媒体互动以及seeed合作的互动装置作品。


URBAN PLANTS is an installation designed and built by E-LAB, in collaboration with Mountain Black and seeed. In nature, some plants can transform and response to the environment as a form of adaptation. In this installation, we try to explore the concept if urban systems can also be transformable and adaptive.

Steven M Johnson 创客漫画展


The year 2018 represents my 56nd year as an occasional inventor, whimsicalist and possibilitist. Though creating invention-themed cartoons has been for me nothing more than a sideline business, I’ve never stopped amusing myself by tinkering with ideas for plausible or outrageous products, or by trying to anticipate future trends and inventions. 

MakeFashion Edu 创客时装教育展

创客时尚教育(MakeFashion Edu)是来自加拿大的国际性非盈利创客教育项目,通过工作坊、社区活动、大型走秀等形式来,把科技与时尚跨界结合,从而激发儿童的创造力、动手能力及解决问题的能力。今年此项目已在蛇口社区连接超过400名来自8所中小学的师生,并制作出20件精美又创意的作品。

MakeFashion Edu is an international non-profit working to promote learning through fashion and tech. Through hosting workshops; reach-out and push-in activities; and larger events, MakeFashion Edu sees providing access for young designers to go to industry and project-based learning as one way to pull local communities together.


纸写生是来自美国艺术家Danny Scheible独创的全新艺术形式,是使用美纹纸来制作各个形状的作品,是一种具有高度艺术性、教育性、社会参与性的社会雕塑艺术。

TAPIGAMI is a contemporary art form created by Sacramento artist Danny Scheible. First attracted to masking tape because of its versatile, accessible, and malleable nature, Danny used the unlikely material to create large-scale installations and create an accessible and interactive art form.

Nerdy Derby 无动力小车工作坊

无动力小车是来自纽约的无规则微型车竞赛游戏,孩子们可以在现场亲手制作属于自己独一无二的小车,在固定的轨道上进行比赛。他们体验到刺激新奇并即时反馈的乐趣。 本项目鼓励孩子们自由地创造,感受成功和失败,培养想象力、创造力和寻找乐趣的动力。

We add fun to learning. We provide educators and young learners with the means to explore beyond textbooks. Children experience the joy of immediate feedback through creative challenges rooted in hands-on building, iterative testing, and no-rules racing. Nerdy Derby inspires children to tinker freely, celebrate successes and failures, and cultivate attitudes that give power to the imagination, the agency to make, and the joy to discover.

Touchy  人体相机表演

Touchy是来自香港艺术家萧子文的作品,是一个可佩戴的装置直接把一个人变成一个活相机。 Touchy与人接触时才会看得见东西,如果你触摸与望着Touchy,立即会拍照!就这样,Touchy不断发放欢笑与正能量。

TOUCHY  is a wearable device that transforms a human being into a walking camera. This hybrid of the human body with an everyday technology explores the possibilities of contemporary human connection.

Big Clapper 拍掌机器人

BIG CLAPPER 拍掌机器人是由日本著名创客团队Byebyeworld及深圳超常识科技共同打造的娱乐型机器人,是一项跨国合作、在地生产的创客项目。拍掌机器人长着可爱的外形,通过传感器与观众互动,应用场景广泛,此前在日本玩具展、淘宝造物节等活动中大受欢迎。作为大中华区独家共创伙伴的超常识MakerNet希望借此项目加深中日交流,宣传深圳智造

“BIG CLAPPER” is a clapping robot from Japan that can cheer up anyone, anytime, anywhere, Spreading Happiness and Joy Two Hands at a Time!

表演时间show time


上午morning:11:0011:05 12:0012:05

下午afternoon:15:0015:05 16:0016:05

Handmade 3D Planetarium 3D天文馆


Higekita was born to be a maker. Since childhood, he has been obsessed with making little gadgets like mini carboard cars, paper planes etc.. When Appollo 11 landed on the moon, he was excited by the news and fell in love with the infinite universe ever since. In 1985, inspired by a 3D dome movie at the Science Expo in Tsukuba, he decided to DIY a 3D planetarium simply using red and blue cellophane, projectors and props like miniature planets, spaceships, spacestations etc. to generate a great Handmade astronomical experience.

 Airigami  共创气球创客艺术

艺术家拉里·莫斯(Larry Moss)和凯莉·奇特尔(Kelly Cheatle)已经创造了共创气球艺术装置,这种装置使年轻人和老年人都感到迷恋二十多年。他们多个作品已成为全球媒体关注的主题,他们独特的艺术作品和屡获殊荣的插画作品已在世界各地展出。

Artists Larry Moss and Kelly Cheatle have been creating “full-blown” installations that enchant both young and old for over twenty years. Airigami projects like Elastic Park, Airigami Balloon Adventure, Balloon Manor and Fantastic Flying Octopus have been the subject of much local, national and international media attention. Their unique fine art and award-winning illustration work has been showcased around the world.

Precious Plastic 珍贵的塑料

珍贵的塑料是全球最大的塑料回收商社区,有100多家团队遍布全球。Precious Plastic最初是一个开源解决方案,通过一些Youtube教程创建机器来对抗塑料污染。学会这个方法, 任何人都知道如何更好处理塑料袋或瓶子,并再次将其变成有价值的东西。

Precious Plastic is the biggest plastic recyclers community worldwide, there are more than 100 teams spread around the world.Precious Plastic started as an open source solution to create machines to fight against plastic pollution with some Youtube tutorials. With those, anyone can process a plastic bag or bottle and turn it into something valuable again.

2018 年 深圳国际创客周主会场

10 月 9 日 – 14 日

2018 年 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节

10 月 12 – 14 日






柴火创客 / 超常识MakerNet





2018 深圳制汇节赞助商



2018 深圳制汇节合作机构

2018 深圳制汇节合作媒体

Meet the Maker: Derrick Lee


Derrick Lee is a maker from Korea, a pupil of NLCS Jeju in Y 11, and a fond scientist of ingenious ideas, but nothing much more yet more to come. I am greatly interested in the foundations of Arduino, Python, Raspberry Pi as well as their implications and earnestly wish to continue developing as a career.

And Derrick will present DoeY Lamp, an interactive art project, a mood lamp operating by Raspberry Pi and pi-cam to read facial expressions and display it in color. It has cute horns of a doe which explains the name of the project. It turns yellow signaling happiness, red signaling anger, blue signaling sadness, and purple signaling a surprise. It’s mirroring your emotion.

Derrick will show this cool & cute project at the booth of Seeed Studio (A001) at Maker Faire Shenzhen. Come talk to Derrick and play with his project!

全球科技狂欢,你不得不体验的创造力大冒险 | Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018


今年 2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节


Maker Faire Shenzhen 的第七年




10 月 9 日 – 14 日

2018 年深圳国际创客周主会场

10 月 12 日 – 14 日

 2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节




跨界遇上 DIY 气质十足的智造者




以及所有平时找不到人分享 DIY 精神的你

Come on, Makers! Let’s Party!

Maker Bazaar

来自 30 个参与国家,150 个创意展位





在现场感受下 Maker 的精神!


Maker Performance

Touchy 是来自香港艺术家萧子文的作品,通过一个可佩戴的装置,直接把一个人变成一个活相机。

当 Touchy 与人接触时,才会看得见东西,如果你触摸与望著 Touchy 10 秒,便会帮你拍照。别小瞧这个设计,不管是哪一场活动,只要带着这款相机,现场每个人都会玩嗨了!

BIG CLAPPER 适用于商店、运动会、派对等 500 种不同场景,还内置了 30 种元气应援口号,通过运动传感器,欢迎你来,欢送你离开,随时随地为你鼓掌,让你高兴得忘掉他是一个机器人。

拍掌机器人长着可爱的外形,通过传感器与观众互动,应用场景广泛,此前在日本玩具展、淘宝造物节中,已经火过一圈了!如今来到深圳,就等你去 cue 它啦。

世间万物是造物者的作品。无论是废弃的乐器,还是破碎的零件,都隐藏着属于自己的生命力——受造物乐队 Creatures Band 由此诞生。

历时 150 多天,收集上百个乐器,上千个零件,这些看似「废弃」的东西,经过造物者精心改造,重新焕发生命力,变身乐手。目前,乐队成员由三名吉他手、一名鼓手、一名钢片琴手和一名钢琴手,以及一名人类歌手组成。


MakeFashion 是一个来自加拿大的创客时尚团队,集合了时装设计师、艺术家、工程师、创客。他们有着时尚才华和前沿的可穿戴技术,和世界各地的设计师强强联手,打造最具特色的时装表演。你以为只是简单的走秀? 你所看到的衣服,都是有故事的衣服!

Higekita 3D planetarium 是一个开源移动式 3D 天文馆解决方案,长期在日本全国提供投影和天文教学工作,这次特别邀请到他们,来到深圳 Maker Faire 带来这独特的体验机会。

采用针孔式投影机,星量高达 6000 颗左右,同时也会演示星座排布,你可以在这里学习投影和空间的知识。不管是亲子或是情侣,都可以屏息凝神,一起进入这场人造梦境,体验纯粹之美。

Maker Installations

你知道的!每年的 Maker Faire 总会有一只超大的机器人在入口等着你。今年的机器人,可不是做好再运过来噢:自己做!


艺术家拉里·莫斯 Larry Moss 和凯莉·奇特尔 Kelly Cheatle 已经创造了共创气球艺术装置,不管是小朋友还是老人,都能玩得开心创造自己的作品。如今,他们多个作品已成为全球媒体关注的主题,他们独特的艺术作品和屡获殊荣的插画作品已在世界各地展出。


他习惯将自己对未来的设想描绘在纸上,他为白日梦者、沮丧的发明家、乌托邦人士和电子爱好者提供了脑洞大开的丰富素材。他称自己为「一位非正式发明家、异想天开者和未来学者」,一位 80 岁依旧天马行空,脑洞大到不行的漫画预言家!

ioNature: Wheat Field 互动⻨田是由 Deqing Sun 和 Peiqi Su 设计制造的互动艺术装置。当⼈⾛近时,颗颗⻨秆便会摇动,整体上形成阵阵麦浪。就像人与⾃然间存在隐形的电流,互通互联。

未来的 IoT 物联⽹世界是怎样的?人类在通向万物互联的道路上会扮演怎样的⻆色?由⼈类创造和控制的科技,在未来又能完全控制我们周围的环境吗?或许你能在现场找到答案。

MakeFashion Edu 创客时尚教育是来自加拿大的国际性非盈利创客教育项目。通过工作坊、社区活动、大型走秀等形式来,把科技与时尚跨界结合,从而激发儿童的创造力、动手能力及解决问题的能力。

今年此项目已在蛇口社区连接超过 400名来自 8 所中小学的师生,并制作出 20 件精美又创意的作品。而作为参与者的你,在周六夜只需来到现场,便可欣赏这场光影时尚秀。

Maker Workshops


制作最 blingbling 的可穿戴电子配件 🎀


用自己设计的作品参加无动力竞速比赛 🚗


零门槛创作心中的“纸”世界 🌇

NerdyDerby 无动力四驱车来自美国,是没有任何规则微型车竞赛游戏,小朋友需要自己亲手制作属于自己独一无二的小车,在现场进行一次有趣的竞赛。

在现场,你能学会把一堆塑料垃圾变成铅笔袋或者钱包,体验用创造力让世界变得美好的快乐。学会这个方法, 任何人都知道如何更好处理塑料袋或瓶子,并再次将其变成有价值的东西。

TAPIGAMI(纸写生)是美国艺术家 DannyScheible 独创全新艺术形式,是一种具有高度艺术性、教育性、社会参与性的社会雕塑艺术。Danny 用大家日常接触的美纹纸进行艺术创作,随处可见的材料缺出惊人的“社会性雕塑”

Maker Faire Shenzhen Workshop


Maker Forum


9 位来自全球的城市实验家

10 月 14 日登陆柴火自造谈创客论坛

Maker Faire Shenzhen Forum

论坛场地:海上世界文化艺术中心 3L 境山剧场

Maker Forum


Ian 作为 Burning Man 火人节项目的国际区域代表,带着丰富的艺术装置创作与社区连接经验,他将在现场告诉你,他们是如何在几天的超短时间内,汇聚来自世界各地的疯狂艺术家聚集在这片干盐湖地上,凭空新建起一座「城市」!


「越在地,越国际」这句话,Carrie Leung 是最好的践行者。作为深美国际学校的老师,当「创客」一词还没在深圳大火时她便在深圳校园中,创办了创客教室,带着孩子们从动手中学习创客技能,孩子们便是这样成为了一个个小 Maker。

而她也将 MakeFashion 这个原本充满复杂科技的数字时尚项目,摇身一变成为了孩子们最爱的活动。在 2018 年的设计互联海上世界文化艺术中心的场馆内,她用了 3 个月时间,带着孩子们将天马行空的服装概念图亲手打造成一件件真实的数字服饰,一场光影走秀也在孩子们欢欣雀跃中绽放。

作为一位生活于野外的研究人员,怎么能没有一点 Maker 精神?Andrew Quitmeyer 便是这样想的,在丛林里可没有车库!但运用自己的工程学知识,加上一点冒险家精神他开始在野外,搭建属于自己的创客空间

对了,他也是「数字自然主义」的研究主导人,因为实在太酷了,所以在 Discovery 探索频道,他还曾拥有一档自己主持的 TV Show:《Hacking the Wild 入侵大自然》,一位 Digital Survivalist 的诞生!

Maker Forum



跟着 9 位城市实验家,

开启 4 小时跨界狂想的烧脑体验!






2018 年 深圳国际创客周主会场

10 月 9 日 – 14 日

2018 年 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节

10 月 12 日 10:00 – 18:00

10 月 13 日 10:00 – 18:00

10 月 14 日 10:00 – 16:00


深圳市南山区蛇口望海路 1187 号





柴火创客 / 超常识MakerNet





2018 深圳制汇节赞助商

2018 深圳制汇节合作机构

2018 深圳制汇节合作媒体








Meet the Makers!更多展商亮点放送 | Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018


今年 2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节






属于 Maker 们的创客市集!


跟着 Maker Faire 在现场



 URBAN PLANTS 城市 “植” 入装置 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen



 Shibuya Makers Club 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

Shibuya Makers Club 这次将在现场带来 6 款不同的艺术创客作品。图片中欢乐跳舞的骷髅骨架便是其中一件作品,创作者 Hiroaki Suzuki 是一位日本半导体工程师,负责微处理器和 SoC 设计,对科学融入生活中简单的材料,并制作科学玩具和小工具的玩法兴趣十足。

 日本 Geek 中文协会 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

日本 Geek 中文协会来自日本,他们经常在日本举办学习汉语的活动。对外国人来说汉语发音非常难,练习发音时觉得有点辛苦,所以去年他们开发能让人简单愉快的学习汉语发音的机器,展出了 MakerFaire 深圳。现在他们也在不停地研究练习发音的好方法。
 MG 麦高 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

MG 麦高通过自主研发科创教育盒子 MG Box、科创教育课程 MG Course,开设科创教育空间 MG Space,让少年儿童能够享受开放的环境来构建独立思创与协同工作的能力。这次展示作品不仅有包含机械、电子和编程三大内容板块,还有专门学员讲解作品。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen


2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

创客凌顺永,通过自学各种技能成为一名创客爱好者,写有博客「凌顺实验室」分享基础教程,流浏览量 70W+。本次他将带来一款具有红外功能的智能语音音响,通过学习红外代码,便能控制家里所有红外遥控的家庭电器。以及一款自主研发的智能充电器。

2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

Cinera 头戴私人影院,第一代登陆美国众筹平台 kickstarter,在短短一个月的时间内,项目达成率超 500%。该项目致力于运用科技技术让观众在任何地方, 任何时间都可以享受影院级别的观看效果,颠覆传统家庭观影体验。只要坐在沙发上,就能瞬间体验到 IMAX 级别的影音效果。
 WEEEMAKE 为美致新科技 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

秉持极致的模块化思路,为美致新科技有限公司生产的 12 合一高级科学套装可以搭出 12 种以上不同的机器人形态,将机械结构、电子模块、编程软件以及内容进行深度研发和整合,为全年龄段 STEAM 教育提供一站式解决方案和创意实现平台。
 引力创新 Gravitation Innovation 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

引力创新 / Gravitation Innovation 是一家中国深圳 – 美国科州的创意品牌公司。在人类制造的所有机器之中,运載火箭可能是运转起来最震撼人心的。我们希望将这种火箭发射场景带给每一个人。在现场,你可以手机扫描二维码,体验利用 AR 技术模拟火箭发射场景乐趣,了解火箭内部结构。并通过手机 APP 用蓝牙连接播放音乐,灯光可随音乐做出响应式灯光秀。你还可以近距离观看送上太空的真实卫星,现场科普卫星结构和相关知识,参与现场趣味活动,赢取太空精美小礼品和名字送上太空的真实船票。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

这是一个基于 3D 深度摄像头的手势识别 Demo:基于 3D 深度摄像头的手势识别优点是抗环境光干扰,室内户外各种复杂环境光下都能得到非常更好的识别效果,可应用在车载、ARVR 互动、机器人互动和 STEM 教学等场景,还可以根据客户需求增加手势动作。目前支持手势种类如下:V-sign,拳头变掌,侧掌挥动,食指悬停,单指顺时针转动,单指逆时针转动。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

幻尔科技一直致力于为大家提供优质的机器人产品和服务。这次现场带来了教育版智能人形机器人、教育版仿生六足机器人、仿工业智能教育机械臂、智能视觉机械手掌以及Qbot Pro 智能编程小车。
 Yahboom 亚博智能科技 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

Yahboom 是致力于研发及生产智能教育类机器人平台。现场将展示积木编程系列机器人,视觉神经网络自动驾驶小车,6WD 越野搜救机器人平台、第二代全 向轮对战炮台机器人、Hellobot 创意组网编程机器人、G1 无线视频越野履带坦克、TrikeBot 高精度转向无线视频三轮小车、4WD 全能机器人平台、跟随避障平衡机器人平台。
 創樂作樂 Create Music For Fun : ) 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

「創樂作樂」由香港一班小學生組成,計劃希望學生透過使用 STEAM 發明套件配合 Coding 及音樂程式軟件,發揮創意,運用 3D 打印及各種視藝物料自行設計出各種獨一無二的電子樂器及發聲藝術裝置,享受創作音樂的過程及樂趣。「創樂作樂」曾參展美國 Maker Faire Bay Area 2018、香港 Maker Faire Hong Kong 2018、日本 Maker Faire Tokyo 2018 及 臺南教育節 107。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

现场将展出 MR 智能眼镜、人形街舞机器人、开源平板电脑、ARM 手机开发板、蓝牙心率手环、开源可编程电话手表、AI 语音及人脸识别套件。同时现场还准备了无人机、空中鼠标、智能可穿戴、智能家居、智能照明等新鲜科技产品。
 PerceptIn 普思英察 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

PerceptIn 普思英察团队,将在现场带来自动驾驶园区车方案。他们所研发的无人驾驶智能视觉系统,是车辆向机器人演化的又一个标志性进步。长期以来,许多机构,如物流企业或医院,对在仓库等可控环境中的自动运输有急迫需求。如今,这项技术能令它们能轻松、安全且高效地应用无人驾驶技术
 快造科技 Snapmaker 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

Snapmaker 致力于连接数字和物理世界, 提供人们度量和改变世界的工具。他们的首个产品于2017年3月在全球最大众筹平台Kickstarter上亮相,45天内即筹得近1500万人民币,名列「最成功的3D打印类众筹项目榜」第三位。在现场他们将展示 Snapmaker 三合一3D打印机,1.6W升级版激光模组、3D打印、激光和CNC制作案例。

2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

小环智能科技小环团队历时三年,打造了世界上首款可以折叠收入背包的电动车Smacircle S1。他们致力于打造世界上最便捷的折叠背包电动车,为人们短途出行提供最优的解决方案,是全球领先的短距离出行工具的研发和制造商。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

东芝存储作为闪存世界的缔造者,于1984年成功地开发出了新一代的半导体存储器—闪存。现场将以演示方式对设备和应用产品加以介绍,包括通过运用搭载无线局域网的SD存储卡“FlashAir”各项功能而得以实现的IoT解决方案等。以及对Seeed公司生产的兼容“FlashAir”的Arduino兼容板“SeeeduinoStorage for FlashAir”加以推介和提供演示, 以及对采用该技术的应用加以介绍。现场同时会展出单反照片的智能手机传输、微信上传等 FlashAir 演示体验。现场将开放 FlashAir W-04 的购买,购买者可参与轮盘游戏,以及对开发感兴趣的人员赠送开发板,送完即止。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

微雪电子现场将展出 树莓派(Raspberry Pi)周边产品,例如:显示屏、扩展板和摄像头。以及 Arduino 周边产品,例如:显示屏,扩展板。以及各类开发板,例如:ARM/STM32/STM8/LPC/AVR/ALTERA/XILINX等等。同时,微雪电子也将带来智能小车系列的展示,并演示传感器,无线通讯,音视频等各类功能模块。
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

 C919 仿真超级飞机 
2018 Maker Faire Shenzhen

曾获总理点赞的纸飞机创客产品,并受邀为 CCTV《开学第一课》制作 C919 仿真大型飞机模型,参与节目录制。 拥有超长滞空特性,并配合线上视频课程,C919 仿真超级飞机将带给孩子们不一样的体验。



2018 年 深圳国际创客周主会场

10 月 9 日 – 14 日

2018 年 Maker Faire Shenzhen 制汇节

10 月 12 日 10:00 – 18:00

10 月 13 日 10:00 – 18:00

10 月 14 日 10:00 – 16:00


深圳市南山区蛇口望海路 1187 号





柴火创客 / 超常识MakerNet





2018 深圳制汇节赞助商

2018 深圳制汇节合作机构

2018 深圳制汇节合作媒体








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